ACC Print Show Gallery//Round Rock Photographer

"Mommy likes me best!"- Retouch category

"What a drag"- Portrait I

"Got my eye on you"- Portrait I

I have been taking photography classes at ACC to hone my skills. Every semester they have a "Print Show" Gallery that displays all the best works of its students from that semester. The photographs are often kept to display around ACC campuses, loaned out to local galleries, and displayed at ACC functions (including recruiting). This print show is very hard to qualify for so I am always happy when any of my work makes it in.

The images above are what made it into the show this semester. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

If you would like to see more of my work, please visit:

Fashion//Round Rock Photographer

I had my first Fashion photo shoot for Loves Mariessa Designs. These are just a couple of the pictures that will be going into my portfolio and on my website. The beautiful model is Neveah Jewlz. She is not only beautiful, but has a heart of gold!! She is so talented and made my job a lot easier! Neveah's fantastic make up and hair is curtesy of Cari Reynolds, make up artist extraordinaire. Cari was so quick! She gave Neveah 3 fabulous different looks for this photo shoot in record breaking time.

Thank you Mariessa, Neveah, and Cari! I can't wait to work with you ladies again!

See more of the fashion shoot photos at